Women in ministry - Wanawake katika huduma

 1.     Foundation

Creation- Genesis 2:18- The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” “Suitable helper” in Hebrew is “neged” and “ezer.”

Neged means opposite or other side, but equal. (Example: Left and right feet are opposite, but equal)

Ezer means something that furnishes relief or aid.  This word is used for God several times in the OT “rescuing” the people of Israel.

Adam and Eve were created equal, but then the Fall happened. As a result of the Fall, a woman’s desire would be to be equal with her husband, but he would rule over her (Genesis 3:16). This curse was in the relationship between men and women, not between women and God. The curse did not change her standing before Him. He did not view her as lower than men, but as a result of the curse, men viewed her in that way.

Marriage- (Ephesians 5:21-25)- Submit (“hupotasso”- means submitted, attached, or supportive) to one another!  Wives to husbands and husbands to wives.  The husband is the head (“kephale”) of the wife as Christ is the head (“kephale”) of the Church. Kephale can be defined two ways…

1. Head, as in authority

2. Source (see Genesis 2:20-23)

In this context, it more likely that Paul is talking about source and not authority.  Christ gave himself for His body.  He didn’t come to force His body to obey.  He came to lay down His life for her. For a husband, laying down his life is much more humbling and selfless than submission. This creates a marriage that has a great culture of service, sacrifice and mutual submission.

2.     Women leaders in the Bible 

In the Old Testament, God appointed women as high level spiritual and political leaders. That says something about how He sees women and whether or not He is okay with women in ministry. Miriam, the sister of Moses was a prophetess (see Exod. 15:20); Huldah was named as a prophetess (see 2 Kings 22:14); and Deborah was both a judge (senior political leader in the nation) and a prophetess (see Judg. 4:4).

The New Testament also gives us examples of women who held significant positions of leadership. The widow Anna is named as a prophetess (see Luke 2:36). According to the NT five-fold system, apostles and prophets have more authority than pastors. And though some people are very concerned about the idea of women as pastors, the Bible tells us about women who were prophets, and it even lists a woman who was an apostle—Junia. Romans 16:7 says, “Greet Andronicus and Junia…outstanding among the apostles.”

1.     Msingi

 Uuumbaji – Mwanzo 2:18 – Bwana akasema, “si vyema mtu huyu akae peke yake. Nitamfanyia msaidizi wa kumfaa. “Msaidizi wa kumfaa” kwa Kiebrania ni “neged” na “ezer”.
Neged inamaanisha upande wa pili wa, lakini unaotoshana. (Mfano: mguu wa kulia na wa kushoto iko pande mbili tofauti lakini inatoshana)
Ezer inamaanisha kitu kinachotoa ahueni au msaada. Neno hili limetumiwa kumuelezea Mungu mara nyingi katika Agano la Kale “akiwaokoa” watu wa Israeli.

Adamu na Hawa waliumbwa wanatoshana, lakini anguko lilitokea. Kutokana na anguko shauku ya mwanamke ingekuwa kuwa sawa na na mume wake lakini angemtawala (Mwanzo 3:16). Laana hii ilikuwa katika mahusiano kati ya wanaume na wanawake, sio kati ya wanawake na   Mungu. Laana haikubadilisha nafasi yake mbele za Mungu. Hakumchukulia kama ambaye yuko chini ya wanaume, lakini kutokana na laana, wanaume walimuona kwa namna hiyo.

Ndoa (Efeso 5:21 -25) – Nyenyekeaneni! Wake kwa waume na waume kwa wake. Mume ni kichwa (kephale) cha mke kama ambavyo Kristo ni kichwa (kephale) cha Kanisa. “Kephale” inaweza kuelezewa kwa njia mbili.

1.     Kichwa kama mamlaka

2.     Chanzo (ona Mwanzo 2:20-23)

Katika muktadha huu, inawezekana zaidi kuwa Paulo anaongea kuhusu chanzo na sio mamlaka. Christ alijitoa kwa ajili ya mwili wake. Hakuja kuulazimisha mwili wake umtii. Alikuja kuutoa uhai wake kwa ajili yake.

2.      Wanawake viongozi katika Biblia

 Katika Agano la Kale, Mungu aliwateuwa wanawake kuwa viongozi wa nafasi za juu wa kiroho na kisiasa. Hiyo inasema kitu kuhusu namna anawaona wanawake na kama au la anakubaliana na wanawake katika huduma. Miriam dada ya Musa alikuwa nabii mke (kutoka 15:20); Hulda alitajwa kuwa nabii mke (2 Wafalme 22:14); na Deborah alikuwa mwamuzi (kiongozi mkuu wa kisiasa wa taifa) na nabii mke (Waamuzi 4:4).

Agano Jipya pia linatupa mifano ya wanawake walioshika nafasi muhimu za uongozi. Mjane Anna anatajwa kama nabii mke (Luka 2:36).  Kulingana na Agano Jipya mfumo wa karama tano za huduma mitume na manabii wana mamlaka zaidi ya wachungaji. Na ijapokuwa baadhi ya watu wanapata shida na wazo la wanawake kuwa wachungaji, Biblia inatuambia kuhusu wanawake ambao walikuwa manabii na hata Inaorodhesha mwanamke ambaye alikuwa mtume – Junia. Warumi 16:7 inasema, “Nisalimieni Adroniko na Yunia …... maarufu miongoni mwa mitume.

Steps to Reconciliation - Hatua za Upatanisho (from Barry and Lori Byrne's Love After Marriage course)

1.     This is what I did wrong or this is what I did that hurt you.
Hiki ndicho nilichokosea au hiki ndicho nilichofanya ambacho kilikuumiza.


2.     This is the pain that I believe I put you through because of what I did.
Huu ndio uchungu ambao ninaamini nimekusababishia kwa sababu ya kile nilichofanya. (subiri mrejesho kutoka kwa uliyemkosea)


3.     This is how I feel about putting you through that pain.
Hivi ndivyo ninahisi kuhusu kukusababishia uchungu huo.


4.     Express your sincere desire and intention to change this behavior and not bring this pain into the relationship in the future.
Elezea shauku yako ya kweli na makusudio kubadilisha tabia hii na kutokuleta uchungu huu katika mahusiano siku zijazo.


5.     Look at the other person and ask them, can you forgive me for this pain I have brought to you or this wrong I have done to you?
Mwangalie huyo mtu mwingine na umuulize, unaweza nisamehe kwa uchungu huu niliouleta kwako au kosa hili nililokufanyia.

Seven Pillars of Healthy Relationships --(From Danny Silk's Book, Keep Your Love On) - Nguzo Saba za Mahusiano Mazuri

1. Love (1 Cor. 13:4-8) Love NEVER fails!
Upendo (1 Cor 13:4-8) Upendo haukomi 

2. Honor (Romans 12:10) - Honor one another above yourselves
Heshima (Warumi 12:10)- kwa heshima mkiwatanguliza wenzenu.

3. Self-control (Galatians 5:23) - The core of being a powerful person
Kujizuia (Galatia 5:23) - Msingi wa kuwa mtu dhabiti.

 4. Responsibility (2 Tim 4:2) - Be prepared in season and out of season
Wajibu (2 Tim 4:2)- Uwe tayari wakati ufaao na usiofaa

5. Truth (Ephesians 4:15) - Speak truth in love
Kweli (Efeso 4:15) Sema ukweli katika upendo

6. Faith (Proverbs 3:5) - Trust in the Lord
Imani (Mithali 3:5) Mtegemee Bwana

7. Vision (Proverbs 29:18) - Without revelation people cast off restraint
Maono (Mithali 29:18) Pasipo maono watu hukosa kujizuia